The Psychological Side of Staying Healthy

Health is 50% mental

Tis in ourselves that we are thus or thus. Our bodies are our gardens to the which our wills are gardeners.’  

William Shakespeare 

My parents were raised by my grandparents who lived through two world wars and a depression. Hunger scarcity of food and access to nourishing food were real issues. Now obesity is the problem. Do not finish what is on your plate. It was right then but is not so now.  

People in third world starving nations will not be appreciative of you eating more than you need, to the contrary, assuming that they could see you being gluttonous would highlight the unfairness in their minds even more so.   

Whilst I maintain this this is not difficult it is not completely effortless either. 

Keep in mind that eating is an activity – you have to make an effort to do so no matter how habitual it has become – it is not something that happens to us! 

It is a matter of priority. What is more important to you? Eating in an unhealthy manner or being a healthy, slim and happy individual? 

Short Term vs Long Term Thinking 

That big mac may make you happy for the three minutes you’re eating it (I eat quickly).  But immediately afterwards you’re going to feel like the proverbial. Conversely munching on a bag of lettuce may make you miserable for five minutes, however once you’re full you’ll be glad you made that choice. This isn’t to say you can’t have treats as long as treating yourself is part of you’re long-term strategy (and it should be part of a healthy lifestyle as opposed to a short term starvation diet).  

Remind Yourself Why 

Whilst you always have to remind yourself how to lose weight and what you need to do, never forget how powerful why you are trying to lose weight. The benefits of what you are doing and considerable and numerous. Always remember what you are trying to achieve for your mind, body, fitness children or partner. If you can keep your mind on what you are giving yourself rather than what you are depriving yourself  (in the very short term) and you will stay motivated. A healthy balanced lifestyle is not all about will power, but it does come into it sometimes especially in the early stages when we are still formulating good habits.   

Things to do Instead of Eating 

Unconscious or mindless eating makes up to XX% of our eating according to studies. However persistent mindful eating is often a sign of boredom.  

It is often your mind that is empty rather than your stomach.  

Here’s a list of things to do to take your mind off food. When you know you have eaten enough:- 

  1. Go for a run 
  1. Read a book 
  1. Do some housework 
  1. Play a video game 
  1. Lift some weights 
  1. Be romantic with your partner 
  1. Listen to some music. 
  1. Do some shopping (though not for food!) 
  1. Go for a bike ride. 
  1. Watch some TV without eating mindlessly.